Musikproduktion und Tonstudios
in Wiesbaden

Aktuelles Angebot/Hinweis

logic pro mixing templates zum Angebot

Schwerpunkte und Leistungen

AudioproduktionAudiomitschnittAudioAudiotechnikAudioproduktionenableton templatesAlbumcubase templatesfree vocal templates for logic plogic pro mixing templateslogic templates



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DAW Templates for Logic Pro, Cubase Pro and Ableton Live. DAW LibrarY Logic Pro templatesDAW LibrarY Cubase templatesDAW LibrarY Ableton templates Musicians from over 30 countries use our services. DAW LibrarY creates high-quality templates for Logic Pro, Cubase, and Ableton Live in a range of music styles. All of our Logic templates Cubase templates and Ableton templates from DAW LibrarY are created using only DAW built-in tools and plugins. This eliminates compatibility issues with plug-ins and tools from other manufacturers. Audio tracks were only used for vocals and special effects. All synthesizers and sampler instruments are on midi tracks and can be edited or replaced with other instruments. Any DAW LibrarY templates are editable, allowing you to change any sound, all synthesizer parameters, chords, melodies, and more.



Schwerpunkte und Leistungen in Wiesbaden

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In Zusammenarbeit mit

DAW LibrarY in Wiesbaden ist in den Branchen Musikproduktion und Tonstudios und Onlineshops und E-Commerce tätig.